About The CSFL



Do you disagree with the way I've set up a character or starlet?  Want to debate her attitude or rankings?  Feel free to politely do so under the starlet's comments!

HOWEVER, please do note that I've set up this little world myself thus far and it's not reflective of reality (See:  Disclaimer) but how I've interpreted this fantasy branch off of actual celebrities.

If for some reason you just can't get over the fact that your favorite girl is not how you picture, please allow Krysten Ritter to deliver full well my exact feelings on the issue:

I'm always up for healthy discussion, but please enjoy the small fantasy world I've set up instead of negatively contributing just because of reason XYZ isn't adding up to your headcannon of ABC.  If it bothers you just that much, please feel free to invest time and create your own site and character cannons and let me know where it is so I may participate!  (We always could use more that's why!)

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