Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Starlet Bio: Ksenia Solo

Ksenia Solo

Fight Stats


Age:  29
DOB:  October 8, 1987
Height:  Aprox. 5'4
Weight:  Aprox. 110 lbs.
Alignment:  Heel
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Ksenia Solo has worked hard to get where she is, a fairly successful actress especially in the Canadian and geek communities.  With such a unique background and looks, Ksenia has only the brightest future a starlet could look forward too ahead.

Unfortunately, her giant break out role has painted her as a goth girl in most people's minds, with most fans seeing her character and not her.  While she appreciates her character, the role, and the show for what it has done for her career, she can't seem to shake the curse of being "that attractive girl with the goth boots from that show." Ksenia aims to fix that both inside and outside of the CSFL which she was more then happy to sign on with.

Now sporting blonde hair and staying away from anything black, Ksenia is trying to perpetuate her image as something more then just a nerdy goth girl and more of something that she can mold herself, letting her bitch flag fly high as she steps over other popular starlets to get the recognition she most certainly thinks she deserves.

Style And Strategy:

Ksenia is a fighter though and though, she's not afraid to stand up and trade blows or get tangled in a hairpulling, skin scratching catfight and is equally good at both.  Ksenia will however, no matter what the current tactic, attempt to position herself in to use her strength, which is strangely above average for her stature and surprising to most opponents who get suddenly tossed around by the smaller girl.  

Ksenia also is a fan of slams, often using pro-wrestling as a baseboard for things such as backbreakers and tosses.  Believe it or not, sometimes she will just "see something on TV" and try it out, much to the despair of her opponent.

Preferred Attacks:

Ksenia is a general all around fighter.  Eventually she enjoys using a power move to gain the upperhand however, often resulting in a follow up assault on the ground depending on the overall situation.  Since Ksenia is strong and can throw her will around generally, she has no problems shifting her strategy to prefer something else that might work.

Unfortunately, this also includes cheating or low blows to get ahead.  Ksenia is a big fan of throwing a knee straight into a starlet's unprotected crotch when needed.

Finishing Moves:

The Perfect Solo:
Ksenia plays her finisher somewhat close to her own heart, calling it The Perfect Solo.  With her opponent standing, Ksenia will grab her by the hair and violently yank her head back, causing her to fall back first towards the ground.  Kesnia then sticks her knee out and guides her opponent directly on it, smashing their spine right onto her leg.  Kesnia will then quickly press down on her opponent's thigh or hip, and do so with her other hand either in her opponent's hair or on her chin.  This furthers the injury and changes it from a slam into a submission where she presses down on the opponent until they either pass out or surrender.


Ksenia's two main weaknesses flow into each other.  Firstly, she has had a history of injuring her back, causing her to break away from balet (Ironic considering her finishing move).  Secondly, her pain tolerance is quite low when she's locked solid into submission holds, especially ones that stretch, bend or break her back, often causing her to fly into a panic and submit quicker then expected.

Preferred Matches:

Ksenia is comfortable with any type of matches and any rule set.

Preferred Attire:

Trying to avoid the cliche that she's been assigned too, Ksenia will usually wear a white designer style sleep romper or teddy.  She usually also has a white bra and panties underneath, depending on the fight.

It's also worthy of note that her hair is always blonde as part of the "I'm not goth" campaign she's running.

Friends And Allies:

None currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

Enemy:  Allison Scagliotti
Ksenia and Allison have been pushed past the point of rivals to bitter enemies.  It all started with a friendly competition since the two were commonly compared on their somewhat similar characters.  The two were often debated on who was the better actress, who was the prettier girl, and who was more talented.  The two eventually bought into the hype so much that they began a serious dislike for each other that eventually turned into a real loathing.  To say they are rivals is downplaying it, Allison and Ksenia really now do hate each other and look for every opportunity to show the other girl up.

Last Update:  11-8-16

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