Monday, October 31, 2016

Starlet Bio: Jessica Chow

Jessica Chow

Fight Stats


Age:  28
DOB:  August 12, 1988
Height:  Aprox. 5'3
Weight:  Aprox. 108 lbs.
Alignment:  Heel
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Jessica Chow is a pretty face but a generally unknown name in celebrity stardom, which is partially why she found herself accepting the invite to the CSFL.  She knows that looks will only get her so far and marketability as well as showing that you are better then other girls will put you over into another bracket, and what better way is there other then beating up much more popular celebrity starlets to get ahead.  To Jessica, it just made sense.

This was due in part to her insufferable attitude as an absolute bitch.  The way Jessica act's behind the scenes is much larger then her stardom can afford and her looks can buy her, but in the CSFL she's free to be who she wants as long as she can back up what her mouth and attitude covers.

Style And Strategy:

Jessica's got some general background in striking and kickboxing which aids her in her stand up.  While she's not the strongest and won't stand directly toe to toe and trade blows, she often looks for the one golden strike that will topple the largest opponent and give her a distinct advantage.  Other then that, she tends to fight VERY annoyingly, often choosing to dodge or run away until she can receive an advantage

On the ground, she's actually got some great moves thanks to some general MMA training as well as natural catfighting instincts, allowing her to guard herself even from the strongest opponents in ways they wouldn't think possible and outlasting them thanks to her great stamina training.

Jessica also dabbles into the more "bitchy catfighting" when possible, but especially if it gives her an advantage.  She's not above humiliating her opponent and will often do so if she can, and is certainly not above cheating and low blows even if the fight doesn't allow for them, often skirting the line with what she can get away with before getting disqualified from more structured matches.

Preferred Attacks:

Jessica, while on her feet, looks for that golden opportunity to land one strike in a vulnerable position before capitalizing on her hit.  If generally incapable, Jessica will often prefer to strike at an even more sensitive part to gain the same effect.

Jessica is also a huge fan of raking her nails down her opponent's bare skin, often across their face and eyes.

Finishing Moves:

The Snapdragon:
Jessica will generally attempt to end fights using The Snapdragon, a modified high angle Dragon Sleeper that she took from Professional Wrestling as a showy way of ending the fight and showing absolute dominance over her opponent.  

Jessica generally gets her opponent up onto her knees before locking her arm around her neck and taking a knee of her own.  She then wrenches her opponent backwards, behind her back at an awkward angle while choking their neck in the sleeper hold until they pass out.

It's worthy of note that opponents generally tap out or submit, but Jessica has a habit of NOT letting them go until they are almost to the point of convulsing, showcasing her brutally vicious side.


Jessica is somewhat like a glass cannon at times, unable to weather strong blows one after another that will shatter her resolve and body at the same time.  She generally tries to dodge and run away from stronger opponents until an opportunity presents itself, but sometimes one can't escape and she has no other back up plans other then cheating.

Jessica's experience also leads her to some pitfalls, often in terms of being locked into submissions or power submissions.  While she has an average tolerance for pain, the simple fact that she doesn't know what to do can excite and panic her into making further mistakes or quitting entirely.

Preferred Matches:

Jessica usually signs up for anything, but prefers fights that she can get away with doing more vicious low blow type things to get an advantage and not get disqualified.

Preferred Attire:

Jessica prefers to wear athletic type outfits, often wearing "beach volleyball" type tops with athletic shorts.  On occasion, she will wear an athletic style tank top and athletic shorts.

Friends And Allies:

None Currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

None Currently.

Last Update:  10-31-16

Starlet Bio: Marina Diamandis

Marina Diamandis

Fight Stats


Age:  31
DOB:  October 10, 1985
Height:  Aprox. 5'4
Weight:  Aprox. 126 lbs.
Alignment:  Face
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Marina Diamandis, known for her artistic name Marina and the Diamonds, is a well to do singer originally out of the United Kingdom.  With a very successful music career, she has found herself in popular celebrity circles and is well known for her flavorful personality and experimental style alongside her killer voice.

Marina is as one would expect, a strange creature however.  Not afraid of a physical challenge and in quite good shape herself, Marina wasn't scouted for the CSFL but offered to jump on board herself, looking to make a name for herself by supporting "Team Face" and "teaching those Heel girl's a thing or two." (in her own words).  Much like a crusader, she's often found trashing or going after the more cruel girls in the CSFL who are here to bully, humiliate or hurt, which is just fine by the standards of the CSFL as it will make not only for good matches, but potentially good rivalries down the line.

Style And Strategy:

Marina is a great catfighter, unafraid to mix it up with the wildest of girls in the most vicious of ways.  Her strategy generally is to charge in, get a hold of her opponent by the hair and go all in.

Marina has also received some training in other areas but seems to heavily prefer a wild and unpredictable approach to fights.  With a natural aptitude to it she also knows what techniques generally work and how to get the job done right and in her favor, surprisingly more often then not also knowing where is the right spot to attack.

Marina is also huge on humiliating her opponents, especially if her opponent is known for doing the same thing or being cruel.  Marina won't hesitate to go that extra mile for girls like that and show them that it's not fun being on the other end of the stick.

Preferred Attacks:

Marina uses her fists and nails a lot, often wildly striking at body parts while caught up in hairpulling tangles.  She also tends to rely on her strength as well, even though not wildly strong, she has some weight behind her tosses and blows.

On the ground and in a full blown catfight, Marina tends to yank the other girl by the hair a lot and incorporate moves that do so, often grabbing a girl by the hair while she's on her stomach and pulling it back while pressing her foot down on the girl's back.  Moves like this show how vicious she really can be.

Finishing Moves:

Marina has no official finishing move, but will often put her opponent in some sort of humiliating position to verbally illicit a submission from them.

Marina also is a fan of using her absolutely enormous 30G breasts to humiliate opponents while finishing a fight, often burring their face between her immense cleavage and holding them their until they stop moving.


Marina tends to go after "Heels" and it's very noticeable when fighting other girls she doesn't consider to be "Heels" as her attacks are very toned down and less wild, even more structured.  This doesn't lend her any advantages and often it feels like she's a different person when fighting in this way.

Marina also doesn't like being choked in any way or any position.  Being a singer, she knows that her throat is her most valuable asset and feels that if a girl begins to choke her, they are not only going after the fight ending win, but want to personally damage her career (Which some wouldn't mind the opportunity).  Marina may tend to panic if caught in even the most simple of chokes or choking maneuvers.

It's also worth noting that Marina has absolutely enormous size 30G breasts that she can't hide.  Catty opponents will easily target them in their strategy in order to try and get ahead of Marina in the fight. 

Preferred Matches:

Marina prefers no rules catfighting.

Preferred Attire:

Marina prefers to wear athletic style long pants, often combining it with a sports bra or a cutoff tank top and bra underneath.

Friends And Allies:

None Currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

None Currently, however she considers basically any girl who identifies themselves with "Heel" to be an enemy and a target.

Last Update:  10-31-16

Starlet Bio: Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie

Fight Stats


Age:  26
DOB:  July 2, 1990
Height:  Aprox. 5'6
Weight:  Aprox. 126 lbs.
Alignment:  Neutral
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Margot Robbie is arguably one of the largest female stars in Hollywood, quickly rising to the top of the pyramid thanks to her fantastic looks and acting ability.  Margot has started to quickly realize one of the absolute truths of being on the star-scene, that she needs to look out for herself.

Margot has always been a more physical sort of girl despite her killer looks and wants to show not just competence and equal footing, but dominance over her competition, including all female celebrity challengers.  Margot knows that she can't be on top forever, so while she is she is going to be well on top and let everybody know it.  The CSFL is a great way for her to let everybody know that Margot is here to stay and isn't a any old pushover, and that if other starlets want to push her, she's going to push and kick back harder then they expect.

Style And Strategy:

Margot tends to keep opponents at bay much like a snake waiting to strike, often using her legs and her fists before shooting in for a quick takedown.  While she would be successful going toe to toe in catfighting, she tends to try for a less chaotic and wild strategy, often taking a girl down and working her from advantageous positions before locking in a submission hold or trying to choke a submission out of her.  Margot fights smart and has good defensive tactics to rely upon, causing her to be an force that most opponents don't expect coming.

Preferred Attacks:
If Margot can't keep a stand up game going she will often try and shoot for her opponent's legs, often prefering MMA style takedowns or clinches to get what she wants.  Once on the ground it's often Margot's playground as long as she can keep up some sort of offense with positions and barring it doesn't turn into a full ground catfight.  Margot will always try to pin and punish her opponent, but failing that she has good tactics to try to get her opponent into some sort of MMA style hold or choke to damage them or make them quit.

Finishing Moves:

While it's not a particular finishing move to her, Margot enjoys finishing fights using a reverse armbar, typically with her opponent on the ground on her stomach she will maneuver herself to get her arm and wrench it up in reverse style, often resulting in a verbal submission before she snaps their arm.

Margot has above average stats for her size generally across the board, but her real weakness is in the mental game.  She psyches herself out to the point where she is convinced that she is the best, not in a psychotic way, but in a way that she will easily convince herself.  If an opponent could crack this, she could begin to doubt her techniques and loose footing.

If her opponent starts playing by their own rules or begins to turn the fight from a less structured fight into a wild frenzy, Margot will be tempted to do the same in which she is much less prepared for as opposed to a girl who specializes and is comfortable in hair pulling wild catfights.

Preferred Matches:

Margot prefers structured matches such as MMA style fights.

Preferred Attire:

Margot will often wear swimsuits to matches, preferring to wear two piece designer bikinis and often having her hair up.  On occasion she will wear a different style of bikini or a one piece swimsuit, but generally sticks to swimwear.

Friends And Allies:

None Currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

None Currently.

Last Update:  11-14-16

Starlet Bio: Milana Vayntrub

Milana Vayntrub

Fight Stats


Age:  29
DOB:  March 8, 1987
Height:  Aprox. 5'3
Weight:  Aprox. 126 lbs.
Alignment:  Face
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Milana Vayntrub currently skirts the line of celebrity stardom after being thrust into the limelight by portraying a simple cell phone company representative.  After gaining national attention after the entire country played "Who's that girl" she's found herself in minor things while making appearances here and there, often referred to as Lily her character.  She's gained quite a following thanks to her nice full figure, hefty cleavage and funny personality.  Milana is somebody one wouldn't necessarily expect to find in the CSFL, but found herself here either way.

Her goals here are quite simple, she wants to shed that "Lily" image while maintaining popularity as well as rolling around with other girls, possibly gaining her more attention that will catapult her into further reaches of stardom.  

Style And Strategy:

Milana doesn't have much fighting experience, as she herself admits that fighting and physical confrontation was never on her list of "things to do".  Still, she's got some basic instincts when it comes to catfighting, often using her physical strength to get into a good position.  She's also (and somewhat ironically) received some pro-wrestling style training since it was "the most interesting thing to learn" and tends to use moves from that circles to set up for more attacks or submissions.

Milana doesn't have the speed, stamina or real experience to go toe to toe with other girls, so she constantly relies on good positioning before attacking, throwing, and then placing in a submission hold to get her bearings on what to do next.  The rigid structure tends to work for her own thought process.

Preferred Attacks:

Milana likes basic moves, hip tosses and tossing girls around by the hair.  She also likes to pin girls on the ground, often using her weight and figure to her advantage while she figures out where to go next.

In more catty fights, Milana isn't afraid to verbally humiliate her opponents for the crowd.  While going a little beyond that, Milana also isn't afraid to attack her opponent's breasts with her hands or expose them on purpose while using her own to humilate her opponent.

Finishing Moves:

Milana doesn't have an official finishing move, though to finish fights she tends to go for some sort of toss followed by a body slam or press on her opponent before a pinning maneuver.  It's seemingly very old school wresting.

In fights that are more vicious or catty, Milana isn't above using her body to finish the fight.  Often she will somehow pin her opponent down and smother her out using a breasts, or will sit on her opponent's face with her sizable ass and submit or smother them.


Milana has a weakness in the fact that she's lacking in some physical and experience areas.  Physically, she doesn't have prolonged stamina and can easily tire herself out or her opponent can do the same whipping her around.  Her endurance is also below average as taking blows and hard hits in certain areas such as her stomach can lead to negative effects during a fight.  This also leads to her slightly lower then average pain tolerance and lack of flexibility for when in submission holds.  Milana needs to dominate and control the fight for her own sake, and her lack of experience won't allow that to always happen.

Milana also knows that a lot of her continued success comes from her shapely figure.  When the fight gets more into the realm of straight catfighting, Milana might tend to begin to panic and loose focus if her opponent starts to target her more sensitive areas with vicious attacks, specifically her breasts and cleavage.

Preferred Matches:

Milana prefers pro-wrestling style matches but will participate in just about anything.

Preferred Attire:

Milana wears a black neglegee to fights, often with a matching set of black bra and panties underneath.

Friends And Allies:

None Currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

None Currently.

Last Update:  10-31-16

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Starlet Bio: Candice Patton

Candice Patton

Fight Stats


Age:  28
DOB:  June 24, 1988
Height:  Aprox. 5'7
Weight:  Aprox. 119 lbs.
Alignment:  Face
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Candice Patton is a rising start in terms of TV, scoring a giant hit on The Flash as a main character and throwing herself onto the radar of every loyal viewer.  With a bright future ahead, Candice can easily be considered a rising star in ever sense of the word.

Candice however, wants more.  She wants to be in movies, she wants to be famous and have her own TV show.  In order to do so, she needs to branch out further and get her name out there while maintaining her level of looks and fitness.  When approached about the CSFL, some were surprised that she said yes despite her rising stardom.  She justified it a a great way to accomplish both her goals which is not unreasonable considering how other girls are here trying to do the same.

Confident that she could take on the best and walk out with the win and her head held high, Candice is now looking to becoming a star in the CSFL as well.

Style And Strategy:

Candice's stats are generally average across the board, though she still has a lot to learn in terms of actual technique and knowledge.  Still, she's picked up the basics, heavily emphasizing cardio kickboxing to assist with her stamina and power.  She's also picked up some MMA moves and submissions, leading her to a more organized style of fighting. 

Preferred Attacks:

Candice prefers to use her kicks to her advantage, trying to range her opponent with her legs and take out their own.  Candice doesn't prefer things going down to the mat, but isn't afraid to take it down there if the fight calls for it.

Finishing Moves:

Candice has no proper finishing move, but if standing she will usually try to kick for an opponent's head.  If on the ground, she will usually try to end it with knees to the body or head.


Candice's inexperience in a wide variety of fighting styles, specifically catfighting, will hinder her against opponents sooner or later.  Training in mostly only straight, up front and no tricks fighting, she's handicapping herself to girls who will partake in more brutal and vicious methods of getting the job done.

Candice also has a below average pain tolerance level when it comes to submission holds, specifically pro wrestling ones.  This is generally due to her inexperience in getting out of them and causes her to be quick to panic.

Preferred Matches:

MMA style matches or matches that allow her for kickboxing.

Preferred Attire:

Candice prefers to "keep it geeky" and generally wears a Wonder Woman inspired one piece swimsuit to her matches, saying that it appeals to her and her fans while allowing her to use all the moves she plans.

On occasion, Candice may however prefer to wear a cutaway style one piece swimsuit.

Candice also may prefer to wear gym attire, usually an athletic style tank top and pants.

Friends And Allies:

None Currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

None Currently.

Last Update:  10-30-16