Thursday, October 27, 2016

Starlet Bio: Allie DeBerry

Allie DeBerry

Fight Stats


Losses: 1



Age:  22
DOB:  October 26, 1994
Height:  Aprox. 5'5
Weight:  Aprox. 110 lbs.
Alignment:  Face
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Allie DeBerry is another girl to grow out of her Disney stardom and blossom into a full figured woman.  With model like curves and looks, Allie still however struggles to find that niche role that she can hang onto, it's one thing to look good for the instagrams, but it's another to lock into stardom.  Fearing that she was going the route of "just another pretty face" and banished to B movies and extra roles, Allie is starting to aggressively pursue other avenues of getting her name out into the lips of promoters and dealmakers alike.

While not exactly what she had in mind, Allie came across the CSFL and did find it interesting, even if she turned it down at first.  The allure of having people talk about her conquering other more common celebrity starlet names however brought her back and the promise of not just money, but future fame, is going to keep her here.

Style And Strategy:

Allie is fairly average in physical stats across the board even with her killer curves and garners fans and ratings though her far above average looks.  Still, Allie is sorely lacking in the experience and technique department that would keep her off her back in a fight and while it's easy to train her on the basics, she still lacks more complex understandings of actual fighting.

With that being said, she has basic understandings of cardio kickboxing as well as rudimentary professional wrestling moves, though mostly focusing on submissions because they are flashy and easy to do.  Allie's go too moves tend to be more basic catfighting instinct, even if it's just because sometimes all she has is instinct alone.

Preferred Attacks:

Allie prefers to try and get up close and personal with her opponent, often using basic catfighting tactics (for example, hairpulling) to gain an advantage and then work her opponent into some sort of basic wrestling move or hold.  Allie dosn't have a preferred method of attack, as pretty much anything will do.

Finishing Moves:

Allie has no official finishing moves.


Allie's biggest, glaring weakness is easy for a more experienced girl to spot, and that's a complete and total lack of experience.  If her opponent ends up getting technical or just too catty, Allie will begin to panic and overthink things often causing her even more problems in a fight.

Despite her reliance on more natural catfighting techniques, Allie also likes to keep the fields even, and is generally not as aggressive as some other catfighters are.  Also, Allie likes to keep it fair and is hesitant to attack other girls using more vicious means (for example, scratching their face) or sensitive, private areas.  This lack of aggressive tactics could prove to be a problem for Allie since normally the girl who strikes hardest in the most sensitive area first gets a huge advantage that she might not be able to make up.

One of Allie's biggest sought after prizes is her waistline.  With a thin waistline, Allie has found that if an opponent gets her waist into a hold, such as a leg scissors, she can be squeezed almost into submission depending on the circumstances.

Preferred Matches:

Allie prefers structured, ruled competitive catifghts or things that are monitored and have a referee.

Preferred Attire:

Allie tends to wear swimwear, mostly crochet style fashion bikini tops and matching high cut bottoms.  Allie believes that the outfits show her off best.

On occasion, Allie might prefer to however wear something along the lines of a simple one piece swimsuit.

Friend And Allies:

None Currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

None Currently.

Last Update:  10-27-16

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