Sunday, October 30, 2016

Starlet Bio: Candice Patton

Candice Patton

Fight Stats


Age:  28
DOB:  June 24, 1988
Height:  Aprox. 5'7
Weight:  Aprox. 119 lbs.
Alignment:  Face
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Candice Patton is a rising start in terms of TV, scoring a giant hit on The Flash as a main character and throwing herself onto the radar of every loyal viewer.  With a bright future ahead, Candice can easily be considered a rising star in ever sense of the word.

Candice however, wants more.  She wants to be in movies, she wants to be famous and have her own TV show.  In order to do so, she needs to branch out further and get her name out there while maintaining her level of looks and fitness.  When approached about the CSFL, some were surprised that she said yes despite her rising stardom.  She justified it a a great way to accomplish both her goals which is not unreasonable considering how other girls are here trying to do the same.

Confident that she could take on the best and walk out with the win and her head held high, Candice is now looking to becoming a star in the CSFL as well.

Style And Strategy:

Candice's stats are generally average across the board, though she still has a lot to learn in terms of actual technique and knowledge.  Still, she's picked up the basics, heavily emphasizing cardio kickboxing to assist with her stamina and power.  She's also picked up some MMA moves and submissions, leading her to a more organized style of fighting. 

Preferred Attacks:

Candice prefers to use her kicks to her advantage, trying to range her opponent with her legs and take out their own.  Candice doesn't prefer things going down to the mat, but isn't afraid to take it down there if the fight calls for it.

Finishing Moves:

Candice has no proper finishing move, but if standing she will usually try to kick for an opponent's head.  If on the ground, she will usually try to end it with knees to the body or head.


Candice's inexperience in a wide variety of fighting styles, specifically catfighting, will hinder her against opponents sooner or later.  Training in mostly only straight, up front and no tricks fighting, she's handicapping herself to girls who will partake in more brutal and vicious methods of getting the job done.

Candice also has a below average pain tolerance level when it comes to submission holds, specifically pro wrestling ones.  This is generally due to her inexperience in getting out of them and causes her to be quick to panic.

Preferred Matches:

MMA style matches or matches that allow her for kickboxing.

Preferred Attire:

Candice prefers to "keep it geeky" and generally wears a Wonder Woman inspired one piece swimsuit to her matches, saying that it appeals to her and her fans while allowing her to use all the moves she plans.

On occasion, Candice may however prefer to wear a cutaway style one piece swimsuit.

Candice also may prefer to wear gym attire, usually an athletic style tank top and pants.

Friends And Allies:

None Currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

None Currently.

Last Update:  10-30-16

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