Friday, October 28, 2016

Starlet Bio: Faye Reagan

Faye Reagan

Fight Stats


Age:  28
DOB:  September 19, 1988
Height:  Aprox. 5'6
Weight:  Aprox. 108 lbs.
Alignment:  Neutral
Team:  None

Statistics:  (Out of 5 Hearts)

Strength:  ♥
Pain Tolerance:  


Faye Reagan is surprisingly the first adult entertainment actress to join the CSFL, something that was received with mixed emotions among the roster.  Some feel that they should be welcomed while others feel that their kind of "work" doesn't make them the same caliber as them.  It doesn't matter what others think though, and that's how Faye likes to operate.  She mostly joined for herself, looking to scratch that primal itch while gaining fame busting up anybody foolish enough to get in her way.

Faye is looking for a good challenge outside of her line of work and while certainly kinky, it's very different and she gets to interact (if not straight up beat up) girls she wouldn't have any normal interaction with either way.

Style And Strategy:

Faye is an absolute beast of a catfighter, you don't get your name popular in the circles she travels in without being somewhat catty.  She tends to tear into her opponents full steam, being hyper aggressive and wild and really letting her claws fly.

While not always the case, Faye is also not afraid to shred clothing, use object, or attack sensitive parts on her opponent to gain an advantage.  She's also not above using sexual attacks to press an advantage.

Preferred Attacks:

Faye simply prefers to go in with her claws bared straight towards her opponent and dig in.  There's really no preferred method, she just likes to get into the think of the fight as fast as possible so she can overwhelm and dominate. 

Finishing Moves:

The Valentine:
Faye prefers any move to finish a fight, but in particular if she gets the opportunity she will use the maneuver she calls The Valentine, which is a Spladle type maneuver, to drive home the point.  With her opponent on her back and holding at least one leg, Faye lays down towards her above her head, making a T.  She then secures the leg of her folded over opponent with her own legs, and uses her arms or arm to secure the second leg, stretching them apart while compacting her opponents hips and groin towards her own face.  From there she can usually hold her opponent in the embarrassing hold (with the opponent's ass and groin on display for onlookers) or she can use a free hand to attack her opponent's face and breast area.  If particularly nasty, she might even be able to reach her opponent's crotch area for attack.


Faye, while a wild fighter, isn't particularly that strong, especially for her stature.  Toe to toe, she could probably be overpowered or slammed hard into shocking her out for a few seconds and allowing her opponent to capitalize.  This would of course present a challenge as they would have to somehow get past the initial hurricane bombardment that is Faye's assault.

Faye is also a sexual person by nature, it's part of her job.  Sometimes if the fight seems to be going that way she might start to loose herself into that side, preferring pleasure over everything else.  This can easily cause problems.

Preferred Matches:

Wild, no rules catfights are her favorites.

Preferred Attire:

Faye normally will dress up for the fight, often looking like a schoolgirl or college girl wearing a schoolgirl looking top and a short skirt with or without leggings.

Usually under the outfit is a cleavage enhancing bra and matching panties.  And no, Nikki Rhodes does not come with her...yet.

Friends And Allies:

None Currently.

Rivals And Enemies:

None Currently.

Last Update:  10-28-16

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